As they are wont to say, there is good news and there is bad no news on the DECIEP front. As you know, Felista Kibe has been feeding and caring for orphans and abandoned and vulnerable children in the slums of Nairobi for more than 10 years. For the past 3, CWAC (Children With AIDS Charity) has been sending a monthly contribution to her work to cover food and rent. In August that contribution was halved. And now – at one month’s notice, the contribution has been stopped altogether. This, as you can imagine, is a crushing blow to Felista and the children. However, at just the right time, Gallagher Securities, a company based in New Zealand, but operating across the globe, has come in with funding to buy, refurbish and equip a pick up truck for DECIEP. This will be used to sell water and, if Felista’s calculations are right, could make DECIEP almost entirely self sufficient ONCE they are out of their rental property and housed on the new land the project has bought on an interest free loan. Gallagher’s incredible generosity will allow for the truck to start work immediately.
An unimaginable benefit to DECIEP. Now what we need is £6000 to build a temporary home for the children on the new land before they are evicted from the rental property. Gallagher’s help will extend to the purchase of all the timbers needed for the construction. What we need is the rest. Could you help ? Would you help ?
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